2715 Edwin Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90046

4 Beds      3.5 Baths      3,370 SF      20,107 SF Lot      SPRAWLING MID-CENTURY RESIDENCE      DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY      $2,695,000    SOLD

- Generously-sized rooms
- Open floor plan
- Over-sized lot
- Unobstructed views
- Enormous swimmer's pool
- Multiple outdoor entertaining spaces
- Maximum privacy
- Plenty of off-street and on-street parking
- Sought after Laurel Hills location
- Cul-de-sac street

Schools for this property (according to LAUSD.org):

- Elementary: WONDERLAND

Area highlights on the Sunset Blvd. side:

  • Laurel Canyon Country Store (which delivers)
  • Chateau Marmont
  • Soho house
  • BOA
  • Everleigh
  • Cafe Med
  • Church Key
  • Tocaya Organica
  • Crunch gym
  • Sunset Plaza (food, shops, yoga, massage, Equinox gym)
  • Sunset Five Movie Theater
  • 8500 Sunset, which features the James Hotel, new restaurants, and Fred Segal

Area highlights on the Ventura Blvd. side:

  • Trader Joe's and Von's
  • Gyms, yoga and pilates studios
  • Restaurants include Joan's on 3rd, Mexicali Cantina, Laurel Point, Firefly, Katsuya, Tuning Fork, and Laurel Tavern
  • Weekly (Sunday) Studio City Farmer's Market